
BLOBstandsfora“BinaryLargeObject,”adatatypethatstoresbinarydata.BinaryLargeObjects(BLOBs)canbecomplexfileslikeimagesor ...,TheBlobinterfacerepresentsablob,whichisafile-likeobjectofimmutable,rawdata;theycanbereadastextorbinarydata, ...Blob:typeproperty·Blob:stream()method·Blob:text()method·Blob:sizeproperty,CreatesanOutStreamobjectforabinarylargeobject(BLOB).ThisenablesyoutowritedatatotheBLOB.E...

What is a BLOB (Binary Large Object)? Can it be Tokenized?

BLOB stands for a “Binary Large Object,” a data type that stores binary data. Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) can be complex files like images or ...

Blob - Web APIs - MDN Web Docs

The Blob interface represents a blob, which is a file-like object of immutable, raw data; they can be read as text or binary data, ... Blob: type property · Blob: stream() method · Blob: text() method · Blob: size property

Blob data type - Business Central

Creates an OutStream object for a binary large object (BLOB). This enables you to write data to the BLOB. Export(Text), Exports a binary large ...

What is it exactly a BLOB in a DBMS context

BLOB (Binary Large Object) is a large object data type in the database system. BLOB could store a large chunk of data, document types and even media files like ...

What is Binary Large Objects?

Binary Large Objects is a data type that stores large chunks of unstructured data, such as images and videos, and aids in processing and analytics.

Definition of Binary Large Object (BLOB)

Binary large object (BLOB) is a generic term used to describe the handling and storage of long strings of data by database management systems.

BLOB Full Form

BLOB stands for Binary Large Object It is defined as the chunk of binary data being stored as a single entity in a database system.

What is BLOB (Binary Large Object)?

BLOBs (Binary Large Objects) are used to store large binary data types such as images or audio files. What exactly are these objects?


二进制大型对象(英语:binary large object ,或英语:basic large object,缩写为Blob、BLOB、BLOb),在数据库管理系统中,将二进制资料存储为一个单一个体的集合。


二進位大型物件(英語:binary large object ,或英語:basic large object,縮寫為Blob、BLOB、BLOb),在資料庫管理系統中,將二進位資料儲存為一個單一個體的集合。